Q.What should I do if I lost my company minute book and all related documents?
A.If your business is a corporation or LLC some of the basic documents (such as the Articles of Incorporation and Officers Statement or Articles of Organization and Statement of Information) should be on file with the Secretary of State, and they can provide you with certified copies for a small fee. For California, you can get their contact information at: http://www.ss.ca.gov/.
You will also need to re-create any other lost business records such as bylaws, corporate minutes, written consents, and resolutions (all of which should have been contained in your minute book). If your business has been using an attorney, the attorney may have copies of documents that you can use to reconstruct your records. If not, you may want to consult an attorney to help you prepare all of the necessary documentation.
Finally, you will want to acquire copies of your local business licenses. Look under the government section of the local phonebook for the appropriate addresses and telephone numbers.
corporate minutes, minutes, taking meeting minutes, shareholder minutes, board of director minutes, minutes of the board, corporate minute book, lost minute book, minute book