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LegalCornerTM - Copyright and Disclaimer

Copyright and Disclaimer

We appreciate our visitors and want to make your experience is as easy as possible.  Nevertheless, there are a few rules you must abide by:

Copyright Notice

Disclaimer - Information and Material on this Site

Disclaimer - Third Party Links

Copyright© 2000-2025 Melissa Marsh. All Rights Reserved

The format and content of may not be copied or used, in whole or in part, without the expressed written consent of the authors. Permission to link to from any site is not required, but notification would be appreciated. YourLegalCorner and LegalCorner are trademarks of Melissa Marsh.

Disclaimer - Information and Material on this Site

This site is intended for informational purposes only.  It is not intended to give you legal advice, and should not be considered legal advice.  We do our best to make sure the information is accurate and up to date, but laws vary from state to state and change very quickly.  Accordingly, the materials and information on this site are provided "AS IS" for informational purposes only. We cannot and do not guarantee that all the information and materials on the site are completely current or suitable for your particular legal situation, or your particular transaction.   Because legal issues are very fact dependent, the general information provided on the site cannot fit every circumstance. No representations, warranties or guarantees whatsoever are made as to the accuracy, completeness, adequacy, reliability, suitability or applicability of the information or materials provided on the site. The specifics of a given situation may require different information, advice or forms.  Only a  licensed attorney in your state can provide you with specific advice to rely upon.  We therefore strongly recommend that you consult with a local licensed attorney to get specific advice for your legal issue.  Melissa C. Marsh assumes no liability whatsoever for providing the information and materials contained on the site.  The materials on the site are provided with the understanding that Melissa C. Marsh is not engaged in rendering legal services. 

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The links on our site to third party sites  are highly selective by its nature and will be constantly changing. LegalCorner has no control over nor are we responsible for any information found on the linked sites.